Simulating Rust's Self keyword via generics in Java

Rust allows referring to an unknown type in some contexts, e.g., referring to the implementing type within a trait, by using the Self keyword. While there is no counterpart of this keyword in Java, we can simulate it via generic classes.

  1. Self and why Java gets by without it
  2. Simulating Self in Java
  3. Shattered hopes

Self and why Java gets by without it

Let us see what Self in Rust is by drawing a parallel between Rust and Java: standard libraries of both languages contain API for cloning a value, and comparing the APIs will help us to demonstrate Self.

The method std::clone::Clone.clone from the Rust Standard Library creates and returns a copy of the value, where the meaning of the word "copy" is left up to the implementation of the Clone trait.1 The Clone.clone method returns Self, which is a keyword that allows referring to the actual type, which implements the trait. The Self keyword seems to be necessary in Rust because of the following:

  1. there is no type that is a supertype for all other types;
  2. multiple types may implement Clone, and due to the previos point, they cannot be represented by a single type;
  3. the author of the trait does not know all the types that will implement the trait, so specifying a union of multiple known types is not possible even in principle.

The counterpart of this method in the Java SE API is java.lang.Object.clone.2 It creates and returns a copy of the object. The specification proposes a convention according to which "copy" has deep copying semantics, but implementations are allowed to have shallow or deep semantics, or anything in between.3 Object.clone returns Object, because all Java reference types are subtypes of Object. Further, return-type-substitutability allows subclasses overriding this method to return the type they introduce instead of returning Object, like in the following example:

// note that the return type is `CloneableExample`, not `Object`
public CloneableExample clone() {
    try {
        return (CloneableExample) super.clone();
    } catch (CloneNotSupportedException e) {
        throw new AssertionError("Unreachable");

Thus, we can get by without having Self in Java as long as we can override a method to return the correct type. It is also clear now in what situations having the keyword would be beneficial: when a method defined in a superclass needs to return a reference value of the run-time class of the object on which it is called, and we either cannot or do not want to override this method.

Simulating Self in Java

The specification of Object.clone states that by convention "returned object should be obtained by calling super.clone. If a class and all of its superclasses (except Object) obey this convention, it will be the case that x.clone().getClass() == x.getClass()". Interestingly, simulating Self allows us to overcome this requirement by calling super.clone only in a superclass, without bothering subclasses with overriding the clone method.

Since Java does not have the Self keyword, the only way for us to specify Self as the return type of the clone method in the superclass is to make the superclass generic and introduce Self as a type parameter of the class: Copy<Self>. We further need each subclass to specify the type it introduces as the Self type argument, and we may guide subclasses by setting an upper bound of Self to be the supertype introduced by the superclass: Copy<Self extends Copy<Self>>. Our Copy may now override Object.clone as follows:

 * Instances of subclasses of this class can be shallowly copied via {@link #clone()} without
 * the need to override the method.
 * @param <Self> A type introduced by the concrete subclass of this class.
abstract class Copy<Self extends Copy<Self>> implements Cloneable {
  protected Copy() {

  public final Self clone() {
    try {
      return (Self) super.clone();
    } catch (CloneNotSupportedException e) {
      throw new AssertionError("Unreachable");

Extending this class has the effect similar to that of Rust's #[derive(Copy, Clone)]1 attribute which allows generating code that copies values:

class AutoCloneableExample extends Copy<AutoCloneableExample> {
    final List<String> value;

    AutoCloneableExample(List<String> value) {
        this.value = value;
void copy() {
    AutoCloneableExample original = new AutoCloneableExample(List.of("a", "b"));
    AutoCloneableExample copy = original.clone();
    assertNotSame(original, copy);
    assertSame(original.getClass(), copy.getClass());
    assertSame(original.value, copy.value);

The full code and tests can be found here and here respectively. I used the discussed approach for emulating Self in MongoDB Java Drivers in a situation resembling the one we have considered above.

Shattered hopes

Java supports multiple inheritance only from interfaces, and that is good. However, it means that the Copy class we introduced above prevents subclasses from extending any other classes. I hoped that this limitation can be overcome by refactoring Copy into an interafce with Copy.clone being a default method:

interface Copy<Self extends Copy<Self>> extends Cloneable {
  default Self clone() {
    try {
      return (Self) Cloneable.super.clone();
    } catch (CloneNotSupportedException e) {
      throw new AssertionError("Unreachable");

Sadly, compilation of this code fails with

cannot find symbol
symbol: method clone()

That is because java.lang.Object.clone is declared as protected, and Copy is neither a subclass of Object, nor is contained in the java.lang package. However, even if Object.clone were declared public, the Copy interface would not be allowed to override this method because default methods are not allowed to override Object's methods. This limitation causes compilation of the following code

interface Copy<Self extends Copy<Self>> extends Cloneable {
    default String toString() {
        return Cloneable.super.toString();

to fail with

default method toString in interface Copy overrides a member of java.lang.Object

If the idea had worked out, it would have brought meaning to the existence of the Object.clone method.

  1. The std::marker::Copy trait defines shallow copying semantics by specifying that values are "duplicated simply by copying bits". It also restricts Self to types that implement std::clone::Clone by being defined as trait Copy: Clone, which is a short version of trait Copy where Self: Clone, and is the closest thing Rust has to Java's inheritance of interfaces 2

  2. I avoid implementing Object.clone, and prefer using copy sonstructors instead. In my opinion, Object.clone pollutes the API of the Object class for no good reason. Nevertheless, I use it here because cloning is a convenient similarity between the Java and Rust standard libraries. 

  3. The implementation of the Object.clone method in the Object class "performs a "shallow copy" of this object, not a "deep copy" operation". However, the convention proposed by the specification also states that "the object returned by this method should be independent of this object (which is being cloned)… Typically, this means copying any mutable objects that comprise the internal "deep structure" of the object being cloned"