No sense
This is a defrag & game highlights Unreal Tournament 3 video.
I spent several years performing all the tricks and creating this video, and I am very pleased with the result!
This video contains unique tricks that UT3 players have hardly ever performed or even seen before.
All the tricks were performed with standard game physics and speed, the only "cheat" was using god
sometimes to achieve invulnerability.
A review from a viewer on YouTube:
"one of the best, and also the only one defrag movie of ut3! i like it", stereofiction
- Freedom Call - Shine on
- Within Temptation - It's the Fear
- Rhapsody - The Dark Tower of Abyss
DENTNT—3D modelling and creation of a special font for the title of the movie.
FACH—Modification of UT3 maps with the models created by DENTNT and some other modifications.
UX.Loki—Creation of monochromatic UT3 maps.
These 👆 guys really saved me from doing a lot of work!
Rypel—Creation of RypelCam that provides a powerful ability to take cool shots with free in-game camera. It would have been impossible to create this video without RypelCam for UT3.
DiNoWaR—Taught me an unusual way to make color correction and helped with Adobe After Effects during the beginning of my work. Unfortunately, later he turned out to be a very dishonest man.
AlphaSt3XC~RTS~—Inspired me by continuously asking about progress with my work on the movie 😀.
UTgamer, a.k.a. SNappy—Participated in some tricks.
I created a few tutorials describing some VFX techniques used in the video: