Smoke to text in Adobe After Effects CS3
This tutorial presents a way1 to make a smoke to text (or vice versa) effect in Adobe After Effects using only out of the box functionality. I used this technique in the game highlights video "No sense".
- Шерлок Холмс и доктор Ватсон - Увертюра
- Мой ласковый и нежный зверь - Вальс
- Джентльмены удачи - Проснись и пой
- Роман "Alla russa" - Одинокий саксофон
- Портрет жены художника - Я жду тебя
- Земля Санникова - Вступление
Note that this is far not the best way to simulate smoke. In fact, Particle Playground is a legacy effect, and it's very slow. One should use Particle Playground only if there is no way to use better particle systems like CC Particle World (an out of the box effect) or Trapcode Particular (a powerful plugin, but it's not free).